Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Intro Week and First Week of Classes: Jan 18- 29

To become acquainted with the university we went through a week of "family" activities with our brothers, sisters and parents. From there we competed, explored the city and spent every night on campus dancing the exhaustion away.

I also had my first week of classes, which was definitely interesting. It completely feels like high school in so many ways, but much more intellectual. The class sizes are tiny, with most of my classes with less than 25 students and constant contact with the professor(s). (s) here is important because most classes have multiple lecturers and complicated syllabi stating which guest lecturers are coming on which days, etc. I'm taking some politics and some science courses here. The politics courses focus on European examples, and one of the courses specifically on cities in Western Europe.

(pic above) they're pulling a car out of the canal. Jank.

 View of the lovely Dutch military/intelligence center outside my dorm.

 St. Martin's Cathedral, Utrecht

Universiteit Utrecht, University Hall

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